Free Workshops, Paid Classes, and Programs
Expansion and Life Transformation – life is too valuable not to spend every possible minute having the experience you desire.
My life mission is to elevate the well-being of humanity!
I am doing this through providing opportunities for people to come together, learn, grow, expand, and transform their lives in a community with others who are doing the same.
I invite you to view all of the free workshops, paid classes, and my coaching program to see what resinates.
Following are my many free workshops, paid classes and programs, which are consistantly growing so come back soon to find more.

This Month
Free: Aligning with Your Future-Self
Sunday December 29, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Western (San Francisco) Time
Every year at this time you look back at the year and evaluate it. You also look ahead and think about what you want the next year to look like.
- How satisfied are you with your life in 2023?
- Do you know what you want in 2024?
- Do you have a plan on how to get there?
Learn more and register for this free, live, two-hour workshop. There are only a few spots left. Register Now!
Individual Coaching
Do you have a dream to create and launch a business you’ve thought about for years?
Wherever you are in life, coaching is an opportunity to take it to the next level, and start advancing toward your dreams.
We overestimate what we can do in a day and underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.
The next 12 months could be the most transformational year of your life.
Learn more about my coaching program and schedule a free clarity session here!

Next Month
Spending Your First Million
Dates TBD – Join the wait list today
When you close your eyes and daydream about your first million or winning the lotto, what do you see?
Join me for a fun, fast-paced, and interactive workshop, where you will
- Gain clarity about what you want
- Gain clarity about what to do with your first million
- Develop an instruction manual on how to play and have fun planning for and manifesting your first million
Learn more about this free, live, two-hour workshop here and join the waitlist now!
Compelling Live Vision and Financial Alignment Program – Starts Q1 2025
Transform your relationship with money, create a Compelling Life Vision, and expand your ability to create and experience greater wealth.
This program consists of 5 sessions and each one is 2.5 hours.
Free Workshops

Free – Aligning with Your Future-Self
Clarity, Goals, and Inspired Next Steps
When you look back on 2022 what do you want to see? What successes, experiences, and positive changes in your quality of life do you want to have achieved?
Whether you want to write a book, lose weight, expand the quality of your social life, make more money, start a business, or expand yourself in other ways, it all starts with a vision. If you can’t see it, you can’t get there.
You’ll leave the workshop with:
- Clarity about what you want this year
- 3 highly leveraged goals
- Committed next steps
- Inspired plan of action
Free – Spending Your First Million
What would you do with your first million dollars?
When you close your eyes and day-dream about getting your first million or winning the lotto, what do you see?
If you like that question, you’ll LOVE this workshop. It’s about fun, play, and pretend, the best parts of childhood.
Learn about the two types of wealth preparedness, gain clarity about what you would do with your first million, and learn the ingredients to manifestation.
Join me for a fun, fast paced, and interactive workshop.
You’ll leave the workshop with:
- Clarity about what you want in life
- Clarity about what to do with your first million
- An instruction manual on how to play, pretend, and have fun planning for your first million
- The most fun homework you’ll ever have

Paid Classes and Programs
Financial Well-Being Level 1
You cannot create or experience more wealth than your unconscious limitations will allow.
Transform your relationship with money, create a compelling vision for your future, and expand your ability to create and experience greater wealth!
Would you get in your car and drive without a destination?
Of course not, yet most people go through life without a destination, without a vision of where they want to go.
Your compelling vision is a significant step toward transforming your relationship with money.
Whether you know it or not, your unconscious limitations are holding you back. You aren’t aware of it because it’s unconscious.
Financial Well-Being Level 1 has two objectives:
- Transform your relationship with money
- Create a compelling vision of your future

Financial Well-Being Level 2
Learn and Master Financial Tools that Align You with Your Compelling Vision and Future-Self
Level 2 is the vehicle that will move you toward your compelling vision and future-self!
You’ve transformed your relationship with money and created a compelling vision. What’s next?
Level 2 provides simple yet powerful financial tools you can use in less than 10 minutes a day to track, monitor, and manage your financial life like the Chief Financial Officer you are.
This will lead to greater awareness and more conscious living; inviting greater alignment with your compelling vision, your future-self and your financial well-being.
Financial Well-Being Level 2 has two objectives:
- Learn the fundamentals of how businesses work, and how to make your financial life a long-term success.
- Learn and impliment tools and systems to track, monitor, review, and manage your financial life in less than 10 minutes a day
90-Day Systems for Success
This is for people who know where they want to go, but not sure how to get there. Learn to develop systems to get there and beyond!
Goal setting is important primarily to determine a destination you want to get to.
However, with goal setting I have noticed:
- There is a tendency for goals to delay happiness, which can set up a never-ending chase to reach the next point to experience happiness.
- Once a goal is reached, there is a tendency to stop moving forward
Goals like, write a book, lose 10 pounds, or run a marathon are great destinations, but what happens when they’re done?
Developing Habit Systems will get you to your goal, but more importantly they can change your beliefs about yourself.
The goal of writing a book turns into a system of writing 1 page a day, which turns into a new identity as a writer, which turns into a book. The system continues to produce 1 page a day leading to more writing, more books, more confidence, and people asking you, “how did you do that”?
Systems / Habits / Consistent Action = Long Term Results
More Information, Dates, and Registration

Learning Styles
I believe learning should be fun, interactive, and provide opportunities to meet people, create relationships, and expand who you are.
These classes are highly interactive with a significant amount of time devoted to exercises, processes, working individually, in small groups, and the entire class.
I believe learning should be fun, interactive, and provide opportunities to meet people, create relationships, and expand who you are.
These classes are highly interactive with a significant amount of time devoted to exercises, processes, working individually, in small groups, and the entire class.

What People Are Saying!
“I’m so glad I attended… Financial Well-Being this weekend. What a great course for both the young and old. I learned so much about how I view money’s worth both as a material good and as a means for creating a better quality life. Just the lunch assignment alone was worth my time and energy! It was so much fun. I highly suggest… checking out the website… if you are even mildly curious… What a fabulous program…” – Chelsea Butts

“The class was awesome! Can’t wait for the next one!”
Scott Davidson

“Getting aware of there being a financial comfort zone; getting aware of the importance of preparedness for wealth and that sleeping a night after a workshop leads to the greatest insights.”
Maren Gischler

“We all learned a lot and I had one of the most fun lunch assignments of my career.”
Kathleen Carie
CEO Context International

“Your workshop was life giving!! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration and new ways to “play with abundance!”
Sarah Dickey
Tara Dabiri –
Graduate Financial Well-Being Level 1 and 2
Taylor Rotolo –
Graduate Financial Well-Being Level 1 and 2

“Can’t recommend this more! Everyone should have taken this class in school.”
Trine Overjord Hammer
“I can’t thank you enough for this marvelous experience. You created a safe environment to examine my beliefs and habits around money and see life as filled with abundance. You offered more than ideas; you offered the tools I needed to dream again and look to the future while living today fully.
Five years ago, I was diagnosed with a malignant breast cancer. As a solopreneur, I had no one to rely on except myself. Without a job, I was forced to file bankruptcy and Social Security Disability. Surviving day-to-day became my new job.
Today, I own my own home, paid cash for two cars, and earn over $100K/year.
I am cancer free, debt-free, and even better worry free. Using the tools of financial freedom released me from the anxiety and shame about money that robbed me of the satisfaction of my hard work
Thank you for helping me move from surviving to thriving and celebrating life.”
With gratitude,
Bonita Quiroz-Cantu

Bonita Quiroz-Cantu
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(206) 817-3286
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